Bread Recipes
Southern Barley Bread
Select Whole Wheat cycle.
1 LB 1.5 LB 2 LB
egg room temperature
plusenough water
80º F/27º C to equal
 cup + 2 TBL
1 cup
1- cups
oil 1 TBL 1- TBL 2 TBL
honey 1 TBL 2 TBL 3 TBL
salt 1 tsp 1- tsp 2 tsp
dry milk 2 TBL 3 TBL  cup
barley, cooked 3 TBL  cup 5 TBL
grits, uncooked 2 tsp 1 TBL 1- TBL
oat bran cereal,
uncooked  cup 1/3 cup  cup
whole wheat flour  cup 1 cup 1- cups
bread flour 1- cups 2 cups 2- cups
active dry yeast 1- tsp 2 tsp 2- tsp
Caraway Rye Bread
Select Whole Wheat cycle.
1 LB 1.5 LB 2 LB
egg(s) room tempera-
ture plusenough water
80º F/27º C to equal
 cup
1 cup + 1 TBL
1-1/3 cups
oil 2 TBL 3 TBL  cup
honey 2 TBL 3 TBL  cup
dry milk 1 TBL 2 TBL 3 TBL
salt 1 tsp 1- tsp 2 tsp
bread flour 1 cup 1- cups 2 cups
whole wheat flour  cup  cup 1 cup
rye flour  cup 2/3 cup 1 cup
caraway seeds 1 TBL 2 TBL 3 TBL
active dry yeast 1- tsp 2 tsp 2- tsp