Challah Braid Dough
Select Dough cycle.
regular large
egg room temperature plus-
enough water 80º F/27º C to equal
 cup
1 cup + 1 TBL
oil 2 TBL 3 TBL
sugar 1- TBL 2 TBL
salt 1 tsp 1- tsp
bread flour 2 cups 3- cups
active dry yeast 1 tsp 1- tsp
egg yolk, beaten 1 1
water 1 TBL 1 TBL
poppy seeds 1 tsp 1 TBL
1. Place dough on a lightly floured surface. Divide into thirds, making 3 (10-inch
regular, 13-inch) ropes with tapered ends. Pinch ropes together at one end, braid
together. Pinch together at other end to secure braid.
2. Transfer braided dough to greased baking sheet; cover and let rise in a warm place
45 minutes of until double in size.
3. Combine glaze ingredients and brush onto braid. Sprinkle with poppy seeds and
bake at in a conventional oven at 375º F/190º C for 25 minutes, or until done.
Dough Recipes