Sticky Breakfast Bun Dough
Select Dough cycle.
egg room temperature plus
enough water 80º F/27º C to equal
1- cups
oil 3- tsp
sugar 1/3 cup
salt 1 tsp
bread flour 3- cups
active dry yeast 1- tsp
butter, softened  cup
sugar 1/3 cup
cinnamon 1 TBL
pecans, chopped  cup
butter, melted  cup
brown sugar  cup
1. On a lightly floured surface roll into a 12-inch x 16-inch rectangle and spread with
butter. Combine remaining filling ingredients and sprinkle over dough. Roll up
tightly, jelly-roll style, starting with the longest side and cut into one-inch slices.
2. Combine topping mixture and spread into a 13-inch x 9-inch baking dish. Place
slices on mixture and let rise in a warm place for 30 minutes or until double in size.
3. Bake in a conventional oven at 350º F/177º C for 35 minutes or until done. Invert
onto a heat-proof tray.
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