H5R & H5E AV500 Hybrid
Figure 3-6 WAN Connection Type
The router provides Auto-Detect function and supports five types of WAN connection: Dynamic IP, Static IP, PPPoE/Russian PPPoE, L2TP/Russian L2TP, and PPTP/Russian PPTP. It’s recommended that you make use of the Auto-Detect function. If you are sure of what kind of connection type your ISP provides, you can select the very type and click Next to go on configuring.
4.If you select Auto-Detect, the router will automatically detect the connection type your ISP provides. Make sure the cable is securely plugged into the Internet port before detection. The appropriate configuration page will be displayed when an active Internet service is successfully detected by the router.
1)If the connection type is Dynamic IP, the MAC Clone page (as shown in Figure 3-7) will appear. In most cases, there is no need to clone the MAC address. You can select “No, …” and then click Next. If it is necessary in your case, please select “Yes, …”, click the Clone MAC Address button, and then click Next.
Figure 3-7 Quick Setup – MAC Clone
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