UsingYour Phone's StopWatch
1.Select Menu>Tools>Others>StopWatch.
2.To measure a time period:
■PressStart () tobegintiminganevent.
■PressCheck ()tostarttimingasecondlapor event.
■Repeat theabovestepstotimeupto10lapsorevents.
■PressStop () tostoptiming.PressCont. () to resume timing.
■Toreviewtheresults,pressthenavigationkeyupor down.
■PressReset () toresetthetimertozero.
UsingYour Phone's Calculator
Your phone comes with a
1.Press Menu>Tools>Others>Calculator.
2.Enter a number using your keypad and perform one of the following functions:
■Press to multiply.
■Press to divide.
■Press to subtract.
■Press to add.
■Press to enter a decimal point.
■Press to enter left or right parentheses.
■Press to clear the calculator.
3.Enter a second number press for the result.
4.Press AC () to reset the calculator.