LPR Printing with the CXP6000 Color Server | 57 |
6.Type the exact name of the network printer you want to print to (you can view the exact name of the printer on the CXP6000 Color Server, under: Admin>Resource Manager>Virtual Printers). In this example the Printer name is OPAL5_ProcessPrint.
7.Click OK.
8.Click Close in the Printer Ports window.
The new LPR port is now defined on your computer.
9.Click OK in the Print Server Properties window.
10.Define the LPR printer using the Adobe PostScript Printer driver application. See the following procedure.
To define an LPR Printer using the Adobe PostScript Driver:
1.Start the Adobe PostScript Driver Application (you can install this from the d:\utilties\Utilities\PC utilities on the CXP6000 Color Server, or you can download the latest version free from www.adobe.com).
2.In the Welcome window click Next.
3.The End User License Agreement window appears, read the license agreement, and then click Accept.