Chapter 6 Using the Features


Knob usage varies according to the sequencer state as follows.

In REC mode: You use the knobs to record knob changes onto each track. If you select the SOUND/[PITCH] function and then turn the knob on the first LOOP track, for example, the sequencer records a pitch-change event onto that track at the current song position (as corrected by quantizing).

In PLAY mode: You use the knobs to change the sound in real time. These changes are transient and are not recorded as sequence data. The changes will cause the actual environment to deviate from the song’s “true” environment.

In STANDBY modes: You can use the knobs to arrange the settings that will be applied when you begin or resume operation in REC or PLAY mode. Again, these changes are transient, are not recorded as sequence data, and will cause the actual environment to differ from the song’s “true” environment.

Using the Pads

You use the pads to generate pad events on each track. At any given time each pad controls action on a single track. For sample tracks, the track-bank selection determines which bank of tracks is currently under control (→ p.15)

You use pads to control four different functions: PLAY, ON/MUTE, ROLL, and

LOOP RESTART. You must switch the controlled function as necessary.

When you are working at the main screen (during PLAY or PLAY STANDBY only) each pad controls the track’s default pad function. You can set the default function using the TRACK SET MAIN job. The controlled function is not indicated on the screen.

When main screen is on display, each pad controls the track’s default function. The pad function is not displayed.


Chapter 6 Using the Features