■Chapter 3: Basic Concepts, Track Types, and Memory
Introduces basic concepts underlying SU700 operation. Also provides a detailed ex- planation of the different track types, and explains how the SU700 memory is orga- nized. You should read through this chapter before you begin serious work with the SU700.
■Chapter 4: SU700 Operating Modes
Describes the six operating modes. Shows you how you can immediately identify the current mode by looking at the screen display; explains how you move from one mode to another; and indicates the operations that are and are not available from each mode.
■Chapter 5: Samples and Sampling
Explains samples, sampling, and the various sampling parameters. Provides de- tailed procedures for recording samples onto the SU700.
■Chapter 6: Using the Features
Offers detailed,
■Chapter 7: Effects
Gives a detailed explanation of the SU700’s effects implementation. Describes the relation between tracks, effects, and the three effect blocks; explains how to set up the effects and record your setups into scenes; and explains the difference between system effects and insertion effects.
■Chapter 8: Knob Functions
Gives detailed information about the 22 parameters controlled by the track knobs.
■Chapter 9: Editing Functions
Describes the functions provided by the SU700’s Editing Function panel. You use these features to clear or set up the effects, to delete note events, to reset knob set- tings to their defaults, and to assist in
■Chapter 10: Jobs
Provides detailed explanations and procedures for all of the SU700 jobs. You use these jobs for a wide variety of
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