Chapter 9 Editing Functions


Note that you cannot connect a given track to more than one insertion effect. (See il- lustration, page 191.) If you try to switch on the connection for a track that is already connected to an insertion effect on one of the other two effect blocks, the screen will display the REPLACE? query. Press [CANCEL] to leave the track’s connections un- changed, or press [OK] to switch on connection to the selected block and switch off its connection to the other block.

4. Press to advance to each of the parameter-setting pages.

At each page, turn the dial as necessary to set the value. (If necessary, you can move

back to a previous page by pressing ). Each page sets the value for a single parameter.

Note that all settings become effective immediately, and cannot be canceled with the [CANCEL] button. For information about parameters, refer to the “Parameters” section at the bottom of this procedure.

EXAMPLE 1: First parameter-setting page for the HALL effect (system effect).

Indicates that preceding page exists.

Parameter value











Parameter name






Indicates that next page exists.

























































































































































































































































































































Brackets indicate mute settings,

Effect level settings for each track. (You can adjust

and cannot be changed from this

levels while at this screen, or at any time during


recording, standby, and playback.

EXAMPLE 2: First parameter-setup page for the TREMOLO effect (insertion effect).






Parameter name

Parameter value





















































































Brackets indicate that track is connected to the effect block.

(You can change connection settings using bank selectors and pads.)

5. When you have finished making settings, press [OK] or [CANCEL] to return to the main screen.


Chapter 9 Editing Functions