1.2.2 Main-Screen and Function-Screen Displays

The screen display content varies according to the current machine state. This section shows screen displays for two most commonly used machine states.

Main Screen

This screen that appears immediately following power-on. It is also the default screen, and will reappear when you exit from job mode, when you finish sample re- cording, and when you press [OK] to escape from a function screen.

Note that this screen can appear only while the sequencer is operating in PLAY STANDBY or PLAY mode. (→ p.142)

When you are working at this screen, the knob and pad action for each track is determined by the settings you make at the TRACK SET MAIN job (→ p.231). This means that the knobs and pads on different tracks may operate in different ways.








1Currently selected bank.

2Currently selected song number and name. (If the sequencer is in PLAY STANDBY, you can change to a dif- ferent song by turning the dial and then pressing [OK].)

3Shows function values and muting for each track within the current bank.

Note that all meters always indicate the value for the default knob parameter on the most recently con- trolled track (the track whose pad or knob you last touched). If you hit the pad on a track whose default knob-function is set to PITCH, for example, then all meters indicate PITCH levels. If you then hit a pad on another track whose default knob function is set to ATTACK, all meters change to indicate ATTACK levels.

Brackets are visible if track is non-muted; invisible if track is muted.

4Current position in song.

5 Tempo setting.

6 The NOTE area is always empty.


Chapter 1 SU700 Components, Connections, and Startup