Chapter 10 Jobs

2. Select the job group by pressing one of the job group selectors along the top of the job grid. Then select the job (or job type) by pressing one of the job selectors along the left of the grid.

Job Group Selectors

Job Selectors

When you press the group selector, the screen displays the name of the group. When you press the job selector, the screen displays the top level of the corre- sponding job screen.

You must always press a group selector to begin a job session. Once you have begun a session, you can move among different jobs within that group without pressing the group selector again.

In the explanations below, an expression such as “press SONG COPY” means “(a) press the SONG group selector and then (b) press the COPY job selector.”

3.Select the appropriate parameters and set their values-using the dial and other controls-while referring to the screen. If the job has multiple levels, press [OK] to move to the next level or press [CANCEL] to move back. If the job executes an operation, press [OK] to execute or press [CANCEL] to cancel.

Note that most jobs are multilevel. You always begin at the top level. You press [OK] to set the value for the current level and move to the next level. You can press [CANCEL] to move back up through the levels or to escape the job. In many cases you can press [OK] and [CANCEL] repeatedly to navigate back and forth though the levels as you proceed to set multiple values on different tracks.







Chapter 10 Jobs