Chapter 2 Tutorial

Adjusting the groove

When you listen to LOOP 1 (drums) and LOOP 2 (bass) together, the groove may not match precisely. There are several possible reasons.

Loop point connections

If the loop points of the sample do not coincide with beats, the groove will not feel right.

→ Try making fine adjustments to the start/end points of the sample.

Even if the loop length is identical, the location of the connection between start/ end points can affect the groove.

Moving the start/end point forward will “rush” the overall groove, and moving it backward will “drag” the groove.

Differences in groove unique to each sample

Even if a loop by itself has a satisfactory groove, two or more sample loops with differing grooves may sound wrong when they are played back simultaneously.

Use the following procedure to adjust the RESOLUTION so that the sample plays in units of an individual note.

Alternatively, you can adjust the GROOVE function to create new grooves. (→ p.201)

Adjusting the RESOLUTION

1. Press the GROOVE/[TIMING] button.

2. The NOTE area of the display will indicate “RESOLUTION= note value,” so press the [NOTE] button to make that display blink.


Chapter 2 Tutorial