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ÎFasten the wire harness at its white tape.
ÏFasten the wire harness, throttle position sensor
lead (in the wire harness), starter motor lead and
negative battery lead.
ÐMake sure that the throttle position sensor coupler
does not go outside the chassis.
ÑFasten the throttle position sensor lead.
ÒPass the carburetor breather hoses, carburetor
overflow hose and coolant reservoir breather hose
between the connecting rod and cross tube
ÓFasten the neutral switch lead and oil hose
together with the plastic locking ties and cut off the
tie ends.
ÔPass the cylinder head breather hose through the
hose guide.
ÕFasten the neutral switch lead.
ÖFasten the neutral switch lead and AC magneto