Print Engine Diagnostics

FEED and PAUSE Self Test

Performing this self test temporarily resets the print engine configuration to the factory default values. These values are active only until power is turned off unless you save them permanently in memory. If the factory default values are permanently saved, a media calibration procedure must be performed, and you must reset the head resistance value and the applicator port setting to their required values.

To perform a FEED and PAUSE self test, complete these steps:

1.Turn off (O) the print engine.

2.Press and hold FEED and PAUSE while turning on (I) the print engine.

3.Hold FEED and PAUSE until the first control panel light turns off.

The print engine configuration is temporarily reset to the factory default values. No labels print at the end of this test.

Table 17 indicates which print engine function controls each of the configuration parameters:


Table 17 • Control of Parameters




Controlled By




Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Tear Off

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Print Mode

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Media Type

Calibration, Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Sensor Type

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Print Method

Calibration, Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Print Width

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Label Length

Calibration, Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Maximum Length

Configuration, and WebView and Memory Size



Host Port

Configuration, and WebView




Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Data Bits

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView




Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Stop Bits

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Host Handshake

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView




Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Network ID

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView




Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Control Prefix

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Format Prefix

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView



Delimiter Character

Configuration, ZPL, and WebView




110PAX4/R110PAX4 User Guide
