Test Card Descriptions
Test Card Descriptions
| Image | Description | Print artifacts to look for with this image |
| Mid Gray | Flat uniform gray | Motion artifacts, banding, platen defects, transfer |
| artifacts, dirt, overall density level |
| Grid On Gray | Solid black on top, gray | Colored ribbon wrinkles in the black area, or clear/ |
| grid underneath | white transfer film wrinkles in the gray area |
| Cyan Stripes | Horizontal cyan stripes | |
| alongside vertical lighter | on right of card |
| cyan box |
| 2 Pixel Grid | 2 pixel wide grid lines on | |
| white |
| Mid Magenta | Flat uniform | Motion artifacts, banding, platen defects, density |
| magenta | level, uniformity |
| Dark Cyan | Maximum cyan only | Motion artifacts, transfer artifacts, scratches, dirt |
| density image |
| Max Gray | Maximum CMY (black) | Wrinkles, snapping noise during printing, ribbon / |
| density image | |
| Offset Dots | Individual C, M, and Y | Motion artifacts on specific color planes, mis- |
| dots spaced at regular | registration |
| intervals |
| Smear | Gray with full density | Color smear artifacts |
| YMCK blocks |
| near top |
| Min Magenta | Flat uniform | Motion artifacts, banding, platen defects, density |
| magenta | level, uniformity, bead position |
| White | Ribbon wrinkle | |
| sides with tilted white |
| center |
| Same as above with slant | Ribbon wrinkle | |
| direction changed |
| Motion & | Uniform cyan with | Banding, |
| Registration | registration marks on |
| sides |
| Gradient Boxes | 3 sets of | Used to create color calibration |
| grayscale ramps |
| Density Setup | Used to measure mid and | Density level of |
| max densities |
| Grid On Gray 2 | Less stressful version of | Colored ribbon wrinkles in the black area, or clear/ |
| the | white transfer film wrinkles in the gray area |
128 | Zebra ZXP Series 8 Card Printer with Laminator |