Briggs & Stratton 135200, 133200 When Adding Fuel, When Starting Engine, When Operating Equipment

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Gasoline and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive.

Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.


Turn engine OFF and let engine cool at least 2 minutes before removing gas cap.

Fill fuel tank outdoors or in well-ventilated area.

Do not overfill fuel tank. Fill tank to approximately

1/2 inch below lowest portion of fill opening to allow for fuel expansion.

Keep gasoline away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and other ignition sources.

Check fuel lines, tank, cap, and fittings frequently for cracks or leaks. Replace if necessary.


Make sure spark plug, muffler, fuel cap and air cleaner are in place.

Do not crank engine with spark plug removed.

If fuel spills, wait until it evaporates before starting engine.

If engine floods, set choke to OPEN/RUN position, place throttle in FAST and crank until engine starts.


Do not tip engine or equipment at angle which causes gasoline to spill.

Do not choke carburetor to stop engine.


Transport with fuel tank EMPTY or with fuel shut-off valve OFF.


Store away from furnaces, stoves, water heaters or other appliances that have pilot light or other ignition source because they can ignite gasoline vapors.


Starting engine creates sparking.

Sparking can ignite nearby flammable gases. Explosion and fire could result.

If there is natural or LP gas leakage in area, do not start engine.

Do not use pressurized starting fluids because vapors are flammable.

Engines give off carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless, poison gas.

Breathing carbon monoxide can cause nausea, fainting or death.

Start and run engine outdoors.

Do not start or run engine in enclosed area, even if doors or windows are open.


Unintentional sparking can result in fire or electric shock.

Unintentional start-up can result in entanglement, traumatic amputation, or laceration.


Disconnect spark plug wire and keep it away from spark plug.

Disconnect battery at negative terminal (only engines with electric start).


Use approved spark plug tester.

Do not check for spark with spark plug removed.

Running engines produce heat. Engine parts, especially muffler, become extremely hot.

Severe thermal burns can occur on contact.

Combustible debris, such as leaves, grass, brush, etc. can catch fire.

Allow muffler, engine cylinder and fins to cool before touching.

Remove accumulated combustibles from muffler area and cylinder area.

Install and maintain in working order a spark arrester before using equipment on forest-covered, grass-covered, brush-covered unimproved land. The state of California requires this (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal land.


Rotating parts can contact or entangle hands, feet, hair, clothing, or accessories.

Traumatic amputation or severe laceration can result.

Operate equipment with guards in place.

Keep hands and feet away from rotating parts.

Tie up long hair and remove jewelry.

Do not wear loose-fitting clothing, dangling drawstrings or items that could become caught.


Rapid retraction of starter cord (kickback) will pull hand and arm toward engine faster than you can let go.

Broken bones, fractures, bruises or sprains could result.

When starting engine, pull cord slowly until resistance is felt, then pull rapidly.

Remove all external equipment/engine loads before starting engine.

Direct coupled equipment components such as, but not limited to, blades, impellors, pulleys, sprockets, etc., must be securely attached.


Image 15
Contents Form NO. MS-6328-7/00 Copyright 2000 by Briggs & Stratton CorporationSikkerhedsforskrifter Håndbogens symbolerInternationale symboler og forklaringer Motorkomponenter se fig. ¡Transport AF Redskabet Påfyldning AF BrændstofNÅR Motoren Startes Betjening AF RedskabetAnbefalinger vedr. brændstof Justeringer se fig. ¥Standsning af motoren se fig. ¤ Anbefalinger vedr. olie se figSAE type se fig Vedligeholdelse se fig. §¨Vedligeholdelse fortsat VedligeholdelsesoversigtTilsvarende rubrikker OpbevaringEftersyn Skift olie. Se Olieeftersyn se figGarantiperiode MotorgarantiGarantibevis for ejere af Briggs & Stratton-motorer Begrænset GarantiVeiligheid Voorzorgen Internationale Symbolen en Beteke- nissenHet Gebruik Van De HandleidingFiguren Motor Onderdelen zie fig. ¡BIJ HET Transporteren VAN DE Machine BIJ HET Toevoegen VAN BrandstofBIJ HET Starten VAN DE Motor BIJ HET Gebruik VAN DE MachineOlie Aanbevelingen zie fig Brandstof AanbevelingenAfstellingen zie fig. ¥ Onderhouds Schema Onderhoud VervolgOnderhoud zie fig. §¨ Olie verversen. Zie Olie Service Opslag Zie fig Garantieperiode Over Uw Motor GarantieBriggs & Stratton Motor Eigenaar Garantie Politiek GarantiebepalingenEngine Model Type Xxxxxx Safety PrecautionsHow To Use Manual Figures Engine Components see fig. ¡ ¡ -- ¨refer to figures inside coversWhen Transporting Equipment When Adding FuelWhen Starting Engine When Operating EquipmentStarting see figs. ¡¢£ Adjustments see fig. ¥Fuel Recommendations Oil Recommendations see figMaintenance see figs. §¨ Maintenance Cont’dMaintenance Schedule Storage ServiceService Dealers worldwide, including Change oil. See Oil service. see figsWarranty Period About Your Engine WarrantyBriggs & Stratton Engine Owner Warranty Policy Limited WarrantySet Käsikirjan numeroinnitMoottorin komponentit TurvallisuusohjeetLaitetta Kuljetettaessa Polttoainetta LisätessäMoottoria Käynnistettäessä Laitetta KäytettäessäPysäytys ks. kuva ¤ Öljysuositukset ks. kuvaPolttoainesuositukset Käynnistys ks. kuvat ¡¢£Kunnossapito ks. kuvat §¨ Kunnossapito, jatkoaHuoltokaavio Bensiini Tai VarastointiHuolto Vaihda öljyt. Katso kohtaa Öljyhuolto ks. kuviaTakuuaika Tietoja moottorin takuustaBriggs & Stratton -moottorin omistajan takuukirja Rajoitettu TakuuModèle Type Code Comment utiliser les illustrations du manuelPièces du moteur voir Fig. ¡ Consignes de sécuritéContrôle du niveau d’essence Carburants recommandésHuiles recommandées voir Fig Gauche avec SJ/CF EnergyPage Réglages voir Fig. ¥ Huiles recommandéesDémarrage voir les Fig. ¡¢£ Arrêt voir Fig. ¤Service Après-Vente Programme d’entretienStockage Durée de la couverture Pièces sous garantieAUX U.S.A. ET AU Canada Propos de la garantie de moteurGarantie Limitee Periode DE GarantieTungen Bedienungssymbole und ihre AnwendungSicherheitsvorkehrungen Motorkomponenten siehe Abb. ¡Beim Transport DES Geräts Beim Einfüllen VON KraftstoffBeim Start DES Motors BEI Betrieb DES GerätsEmpfehlungen zum Öl Einstellungen siehe Abb. ¥Empfehlungen zum Kraftstoff Ölwechsel siehe Abb Wartung, FortsWartungsplan Wartung siehe Abb. §¨Ähnlichen Kategorie LagerungAls 30.000 Vertragshändlern ein Geboten wird, auf diese ZeichenGarantiefrist Zur MotorgarantieBriggs & Stratton-Garantieschein für Motorbesitzer Beschränkte GarantieÍá ñçóéìïïéóåôå ôéò Åîáñôìáôá êéíçôñá Ñïåéäïïé ÓõóôÜóåéò ãéá ôï ëÜäé Óõíôñçóç âë å åéê. §¨ Óõíôñçóç óõíåéá Áïèêåõóç ÓåôéêÜ ìå ôçí åããçóç ôïõ êéíçôñá óáò Page Simboli di pericolo e relativo signifi- cato Come utilizzare le Figure del manualeComponenti del motore Precauzioni di sicurezzaDurante IL Trasporto DELL’ATTREZZATURA Durante IL Rifornimento DEL CarburanteALL’AVVIAMENTO DEL Motore Durante L’USO DELL’ATTREZZATURARaccomandazioni per l’olio Raccomandazioni per il carbu- ranteConsigliato vedere fig Manutenzione continuaProgramma di manutenzione Manutenzione vedere fig. §¨Sistenza Autorizzati in tutto il mondo RimessaggioAssistenza Cambiare l’olio. Vedere Cambio dell’olio vede- re figA. E Canada Polizza di garanzia relativa ai motori Briggs & StrattonGaranzia Limitata Periodo DI GaranziaSikkerhetstiltak Faresymboler og betydningInternasjonale symboler og betydning Hvordan figurene i håndboken skal brukesBruk AV Maskinen Testing AV GnistPåfylling AV Drivstoff Start AV MotorenAnbefalt olje se fig Anbefalt drivstoffStopp se fig. ¤ Vedlikehold se fig. §¨ Vedlikehold. FortsVedlikeholdsplan Skift olje. Se oljeservice se fig Lagring/oppbevaringEller liknende Vedrørende garanti på motoren Briggs & Stratton motorgarantiBegrenset Garanti Símbolos de perigo e significados Como consultar as figuras do manualComponentes do motor Medidas de segurançaQuando Transportar O Equipamento Quando Acrescentar CombustívelQuando DER Partida no Motor Quando Operar O EquipamentoRecomendações de Óleo Recomendações de combustívelFim de parar o motor ver Fig. ¤ Manutenção Programa de manutençãoManutenção ver Figs. §¨ Pre que lhe oferecem serviços Briggs & Stratton ArmazenagemTroque o óleo. Ver Verificação de óleo ver Figs Mais de 30000 Centros de ServiçoFora DOS E.U.A. E Canadá Motores Sobre a garantia do seu motorGarantia Limitada Período DE GarantiaSímbolos Internacionales y Significados Componentes del MotorPrecauciones de Seguridad Cómo Usar las Figuras del ManualCuando Transporte EL Equipo Cuando Añada CombustibleCuando DE Arranque AL Motor Cuando Opere EL EquipoRecomendaciones para el Recomendaciones para el CombustibleParada ¤ Vea las figuras §¨ MantenimientoPrograma de Mantenimiento Mantenimiento ContinuaciónOfrezca servicio Briggs & Stratton BodegajeServicio Centros de Servicio Autorizados a nivelMantenimiento Incorrecto Acerca de la Garantía de Su MotorSå här används siffrorna i handboken Internationella symboler och innebörderMotordelar se fig. ¡ SäkerhetsåtgärderVID Transport AV Utrustningen VID BensinpåfyllningVID Start VID DriftInte, se Justeringar Justeringar se fig. ¥Bränslerekommendationer Oljerekommendationer se figOlja se fig UnderhållsschemaUnderhåll se fig. §¨ Underhåll, fortsAuktoriserade servicecentra FörvaringByt olja. Se Olja se fig Felaktigt underhåll Begränsad GarantiGarantiperiod Normal förslitning
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