Samsung AD68-00542G manual Pou ìit’ bateriovŽ sady, Typu baterie

Page 23







Using the Lithium Ion Battery Pack


Pouìit’ bateriovŽ sady



Table of continuous recording time based on model and battery type.

Tabulka nepÞetržitŽho nat‡‹en’ kamerou v z‡vislosti na modelu



Continuous recording time

a typu baterie







Nahr‡vac’ ‹as









as nab’jen’












1hr 10min

1hr 30min


PÞibl. 2 h

PÞibl. 1h 10min

PÞibl. 1h 30 min






SB-L220PÞibl. 3h 30 min

PÞibl. 2h 20 min

PÞibl. 3 h

3hr 30min

2hr 20min



If you close the LCD screen, it switches off and the EVF switches on

Pokud uzavÞete obrazovku LCD, automaticky se vypne a EVF se zapne.



NepÞetrìitŽ doby nat‡‹en’ uvedenŽ v tabulce jsou pÞibliìnŽ.

The continuous recording times given in the table are approximate.

Skute‹n‡ doba nat‡‹en’ z‡vis’ na pouìit’.


Actual recording time depends on usage.

Pokud zapnete video svžtlo, ‹as nahr‡v‡n’ se zna‹nž zkr‡t’.

If you turn on the LIGHT, the recording time becomes very short.







The battery pack should be recharged in an environment of between

Bateriov‡ jednotka by mžla bùt nab’jena v prostÞed’ o teplotž mezi

32°F (0°C) and 104°F (40°C).

0°C a 40 °C.

It should never be charged in a room temperature that is below 32°F

Nemžla by se nab’jet v m’stnosti s teplotou pod 0°C.


ëivotnost a kapacita bateriovŽ jednotky se sn’ž’, pokud se pouì’v‡ za

The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if it is used in

teplot pod 0°C, nebo pokud se nech‡ pÞi teplotž nad 40°C po delä’ dobu,

temperatures below 32°F (0°C) or left in temperatures above 104°F

dokonce i kdyì je plnž nabit‡.

(40°C) for a long period, even when it is fully recharged.

Ned‡vejte bateriovù modul do bl’zkosti tepelnù ch zdrojó

Do not put the battery pack near any heat source (fire or flames, for

(napÞ’klad oheË nebo plameny).


Nerozeb’rejte, neupravujte, nevystavujte tlaku ani neohÞ’vejte

Do not disassemble, process, pressure, or heat the Battery Pack.

bateriovou jednotku.

Do not allow the + and – terminals of the battery pack to be

Nedovolte, aby doälo ke zkratu p—ló + a na bateriovŽ jednotce.


Móìe to zpósobit vyte‹en’, vùvin tepla, vyvolat poì‡r a pÞehÞ‡t’.

It can cause leakage, heat generation, induction of fire and over heating.




Image 23
Contents Digital Video Camcorder Contents PÞehr‡v‡n’ p‡sku Playing back a TapePozn‡mky ohlednž ot‡‹en’ obrazovky LCD Pozn‡mky, tùkaj ’c ’ se kamery Pozn‡mky ohlednž autorskùch pr‡vPozn‡mky ohlednž kondenzace vlhkosti Pozn‡mky ohlednž ‹iätžn’ videohlavy Pozn‡mky ohlednž baterlovŽ schr‡nkyPozn‡mky ohlednž ru‹n’ho p‡sku Pozn‡mky ohlednž objektivuPozn‡mky ohlednž elektronick Žho hled‡‹ku Pozn‡mky ohlednž nat‡‹en’ a p Þehr‡v‡n’ za pomoci LCDJi spolknout. Pokud by se tak stalo, vyhledejte ihned Precautions regarding the Lithium batteryOpatÞen’ ohlednž lithlovŽ baterie Vùstraha nenech‡vaje Lithiovou Baterii v dosahu džt’. MohouFunkce FeaturesGetting to Know Your Camcorder Digital video camera Accessories Supplied with camcorderBasic Accessories PÞ’sluäenstv’, dod‡vanŽ s kamerouGetting to Know Your Camcorder MF/AF see Function KeysFade see BLC seeExternal MIC in see Audio/Video out OPEN/EJECT button see Right & Top ViewVideo out VP-D11i/D15i only See Hook for shoulder strap Charging indicator Menu ON/OFF button ENTER/DISPLAY buttonLCD open See Light switch see Remote control OSD On Screen Display in Camcoder mode Turning on/off the DATE/TIME Example Scene with all members of your family How to use the Remote ControlJak po ì’vat d‡lkovŽ ovl‡d‡n’ Vloìen’ baterie do d‡lkovŽho ovl‡d‡n’Children Lithium Battery InstallationPreparing Vlo ìen’ lithiovŽ baterieShoulder Strap Adjusting the Hand Strap and Shoulder StrapNastaven’ ru‹n’ho a ramenn’ho p‡sku Hand strapPouì’v‡n’ s’éovŽho nap‡je‹e a stejnosmžrnŽ äËóry Connecting a Power SourcePÞipojen’ na zdroj proudu Nab’jen’ bateriovŽ sady Using the Lithium Ion Battery PackPou ìit’ bateriovŽ sady lithium ion Pouìit’ bateriovŽ sady lithium ionTypu baterie Pou ìit’ bateriovŽ sadyPower remaining in the battery pack Battery level displayTips for Battery Identification REC Inserting and Ejecting a CassetteVlo ìen’ a vysunut’ kazety SaveVaäe prvn’ nat‡‹en’ Basic RecordingMaking your First Recording Nat‡‹en’, vyhled‡v‡n’ REC SearchNat‡‹en’ s hled‡‹kem Hints for Stable Image RecordingRady pro nat‡‹en’ nehybnŽho obrazu Nat‡‹en’ s LCD monitoremPouìit’ hled‡‹ku Adjusting the LCDUsing the Viewfinder Nastaven’ LCDStop Playing back a tape you have recorded on the LCDPÞehr‡v‡n’ p‡sku, kterù jste nato‹ili, na LCD Ovl‡d‡n’ zvuku z reproduktoru Adjusting the LCD during PlayVolume Control Controlling Sound from the SpeakerPouìit’ róznùch funkc’ Using the Various FunctionsSet the camcorder to Camera or Player mode Advanced RecordingAvailability of functions in each mode Custom SET LCD AdjustUìivatelskŽ nastaven’ It provides more stable pictures when DIS function works in Camera mode onlyDISDigital Image Stabilizer is a handshake compensation Holding the camcorder within reasonable limitsMenu list will appear Set the camcoder to Camera modeWhat you are shooting Press the Menu ON/OFF buttonPÞibliìov‡n’ a vzdalov‡n’ Zooming In and Out with Digital ZoomPÞibliìovan’ a vzdalov‡n’ pomoc’ digit‡ln’ho zoomu Zooming In and OutDigit‡ln’ transfokace Digital ZoomHSS mode Program AE function works in Camera mode onlyAuto mode Portrait modeDSE Speci‡ln’ digit‡ln’ efekt DSEDigital Special Effects SelectTo exit, press the Menu ON/OFF button Reference Selecting an effectBalance Balance White BalanceBalance ROVNOVçHA BêLƒ Shutter Enter IrisREëIM NATç‰ENê REC Mode REC ModeODSTRANNê Vlivu Vtru Wind CUT REC LampKontrolka NATç‰ENê REC Lamp Wind CUTMode Audio ModeDisplay DATE/TIME DATE/TIMEDatum / ‰AS Demo Complete Clock SETSET MENU, BLC, FADE, MF/AF Easy Mode for BeginnersReìim snadnŽho z‡bžru pro za‹‡te‹n’ky DISReìim uìivatelskŽho z‡bžru Custom Custom ModeAutomatickŽ zaostÞov‡n’ Manual FocusingMF/AF Manual Focus/Auto Focus MF/AF Ru‹n’ /AutomatickŽ zaostÞov‡n’BLC Kompenzace svžtla v pozad’ BLC Back Light CompensationTo Stop Recording Use Fade in / Fade OUT Fade In and OutZvyäov‡n’ jasu obrazu a sniìov‡n’ jasu obrazu To Start RecordingAudio dubbibg PÞid‡v‡n’ zvuku Record the sound again using MIC dubbingAudio SEL Playing back dubbed AudioPÞehr‡v‡n’ dabovanŽho zvuku Menu ON/OFFIf you shoot a fast moving subject in this mode Sound, while in Camera modeField You can record a normal resolution still picture Frame You can record a high resolution still pictureSearching for Photo picture Taking a still picturePouìit’ Video Svtla pouze VP-D11i/D15i Using the Video Light VP-D11i/D15i onlyAfter Recording Lighting TechniquesOsvžtlovac’ Techniky RóznŽ Techniky Nat‡‹en’ Various Recording TechniquesTo watch with a TV monitor Playing back a tapeTo watch with the LCD Prohl’ìen’ pomoc’ LCDPÞipojen’ k TV, kter‡ nem‡ Audio a Video vstupn’ konektor PlaybackPÞehr‡v‡n’ Playback pause Various Functions in Player modeRóznŽ funkce v reìimu pÞehr‡va‹ Player Frame advance To playback frame by frame X2 Playback Forward/ReversePam ž ˇ t nuly Zero Memory Napojen’ na po‹’ta‹ Connecting with DV deviceConnecting to a PC PÞenos IEEE1394 I.LINK-Standardn’ datovŽ spojen’ DVVP-DXX i only Recording with DV connecting cableIeee 1394 Data Transfer System requirementSystŽmovŽ poìadavky Transferring Digital Image by USB ConnectionPÞenos digit‡ln’ nahr‡vky pomoc’ USB propojen’ Instalace programu DVC Media Installing DVC Media 3.0 ProgramProgram Window below displays the folder to installPÞipojen’ k PC Connection with PCAfter completing a recording session MaintenanceAfter finishing a recording Po skon‹en’ nahr‡v‡n’‰iätžn’ videohlav Cleaning the viewfinderCleaning the Video Heads Kompatibiln’ oblasti PAL Using Your Camcorder AbroadZdroje nap‡jen’ Barevnù TV systŽmZobrazen’ samo‹innŽ diagnostiky TroubleshootingOdstraËov‡n’ z‡vad Self Diagnosis DisplayPÞ’znak poruchy Vysvžtlen’ /Þeäen’ Nearest authorized service centreSymptom Explanation/Solution System SpecificationsModel name VP-D10i/D11i/D15i ‡zev modelu VP-D10i/D11i/D15iVäeobecnŽ GeneralIndex Samsung Electronics’ Internet Home This Camcorder is Manufactured by