Whirlpool GVW9959KL0 manual Laundry Tips, Loading

Page 14

Soil Level

Soil Level is preset for each wash cycle. See “Preset Cycle Settings” in “Cycles.” As you press Soil Level pad, the cycle time (minutes) will increase or decrease in the ESTIMATED TIME REMAINING display and a different Soil Level light will glow. To get the minimum wash time, press the pad until the indicator light next to REFRESH illuminates. This is the shortest wash time available for that cycle.

When a wash cycle is started, the estimated time remaining for the cycle, including fills and drains, will be displayed. The time will count down to the end of the cycle.

Adjustable Cycle Signal

A tone will sound at the end of the cycle. The sound level of this tone can be adjusted by pressing CYCLE SIGNAL. The volume of tone you will hear at the end of the cycle will sound as the pads are pressed.

Indicator Lights


Located next to each pad, these lights show the cycle you have selected.


These lights show the Options you have selected.


These lights show what portion of the cycle the washer is operating. Soak and Extra Rinse status lights will glow if the option was selected.

Operating Controls


Press START to start your washer after a cycle has been selected. Be sure all desired Options have been selected. The lid must be closed for the washer to start.


Press STOP/CANCEL once to pause or stop the washer at any time. Press START to complete the cycle from where it was stopped. Press STOP/CANCEL twice to turn off the washer.


Preparing clothes for washing

Follow these recommendations to help you prolong the life of your garments.

Close zippers, snaps, and hooks to avoid snagging other items. Remove pins, buckles, and other hard objects to avoid scratching the washer interior. Remove non-washable trim and ornaments.

Empty pockets and turn them inside-out.

Turn down cuffs; brush away lint and dirt.

Turn synthetic knits inside-out to avoid pilling.

Tie strings and sashes so they will not tangle.

Mend tears, loose hems, and seams.

Treat spots and stains.

Stained or wet garments should be washed promptly for best results.


Separate heavily soiled items from lightly soiled ones, even if they would normally be washed together. Separate lint-givers (towels, chenille) from lint-takers (corduroy, synthetics, permanent press). When possible, turn lint-givers inside-out.

Separate dark colors from light colors, colorfast items from noncolorfast items.

Sort by fabric and construction (sturdy cottons, knits, delicate items).


Remove clothes from washer after the cycle is completed. Metal objects such as zippers, snaps, and buckles may rust if left in the washer basket for a long time.


Loading suggestions (maximum size loads)

Super Capacity Plus Washers

Heavy Work Clothes


4 jeans

2 sweatpants

4 workpants

2 sweatshirts

4 workshirts






10 bath towels

14 washcloths

10 hand towels




Mixed Load


3 sheets (1 king, 2 twin)

9 T-shirts

4 pillowcases

9 shorts

3 shirts

10 handkerchiefs

3 blouses





Image 14
Contents With Calypso Wash Motion 3955179CTable DES Matières Table of ContentsÍndice Washer Safety Your safety and the safety of others are very importantLocationRequirements Installation RequirementsToolsandParts Alternate Parts You May NeedDrainSystem Electrical RequirementsInstall the rear self-adjusting feet Install LevelingFeetInstall the front leveling feet ConnectDrainHoseConnectInletHoses Level Washer CompleteInstallationSecureDrainHose Features and Benefits Calypso WashMotionWasher USE StartingYourWasherCycles PausingorRestartingChangingCycles andOptions WhatHappensin aWash Cycle Options Laundry Tips LoadingWaterInletHoses CleaningYour WasherWasher Care Vacation,Storage,andMovingCareWasher stops TroubleshootingWasher won’t fill, rinse or wash Washer won’t drain or spinWasher makes noise Washer continues to fill or drain, or the cycle seems stuckWasher basket is crooked Washer leaksLID Instructions Cycle OptionsTheU.S.A Assistance or ServiceInCanada Second Through Tenth Year Limited Warranty on Outer TUB Whirlpool Washer WarrantyONE-YEAR Full Warranty Lifetime Limited Warranty Stainless Steel BasketSeguridad DE LA Lavadora Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demás es muy importantePartes alternativas Requisitos DE InstalaciónHerramientasypartes Partes incluidasInstalación en un lugar empotrado o en un clóset Requisitos deubicaciónSistemadedesagüe Sistema de desagüe en un lavadero ilustración aPara una lavadora conectada a tierra con cable eléctrico RequisitoseléctricosSistema de desagüe en el piso ilustración B Cómo conectarlamangueradedesagüe Instrucciones DE InstalaciónCómoinstalarlas patasniveladoras Cómo instalar las patas traseras auto ajustablesCómoconectarlasmanguerasdeentrada Completelainstalación Cómoasegurarla mangueradedesagüeCómo nivelarlalavadora Características Y Beneficios MovimientodelavadoCALYPSOUSO DE LA Lavadora Puestaen marchadesulavadoraCiclos Cómodetener ovolveraponerenmarchaCambiodeciclosyopciones Loqueocurreenunciclo delavado Opciones Nivel de Suciedad Soil Level Señal ajustable de ciclo Adjustable Cycle SignalTemperatura asegurada del agua Assured Water Temp Luces indicadorasCómocargar LimpiezadesulavadoraDemudanza Solución DE ProblemasMangueras deentradadeagua La lavadora no escurre ni exprime La lavadora no llena, no enjuaga ni lavaLa lavadora se detiene La lavadora hace ruidoDepósitos obstruidos o gotean La lavadora pierde aguaLa canasta de la lavadora está torcida Carga demasiado mojadaInstrucciones DE LA Tapa Ciclo OpcionesEn Canadá Ayuda O Servicio TécnicoEnlosEE.UU Garantía DE LA Lavadora Whirlpool Garantía Total DE UN AÑOSécurité DE LA Laveuse Votre sécurité et celle des autres est très importanteOutillageetpièces Exigences D’INSTALLATIONExigencesdel’emplacementd’installation Autres pièces qui peuvent être nécessairesDrain de plancher illustration B SystèmedevidangeÉvier de buanderie illustration a Spécificationsélectriques Pour une laveuse raccordée en permanenceInstallation des pieds arrière autoréglables Instructions D’INSTALLATIONInstallationdespiedsdenivellement RaccordementdutuyaudevidangeRaccordement des tuyaux d’arrivée d’eau aux robinets Raccordementdes tuyauxd’arrivéed’eauDrain de plancher Purger les canalisations d’eauRéglagedel’aplombdelalaveuse Acheverl’installationImmobilisationdutuyau devidange Caractéristiques ET Avantages MouvementdelavageCALYPSOUtilisation DE LA Laveuse MiseenmarchedelalaveuseProgrammes Changementdes programmes EtoptionsPauseouremiseenmarche Quick Wash Lavage rapide Jeans/Darks Jeans/foncésBulky Items Articles encombrants Delicate Casual Délicat Tout-allerLavage Assured Water Temp Température d’eau garantie Signal de programme réglableGuide de température Soil Level Niveau de saletéTuyauxflexibles d’alimentation Dela laveuse ChargementNettoyagedelalaveuse Dépannage Défaillance de vidange/essorage de la laveuse Absence de remplissage, rinçage ou de lavageLa laveuse s’arrête La laveuse fait du bruitCharge trop mouillée Position incorrecte du panier de la laveuseObstruction ou fuite des distributeurs Résidu ou charpie sur le lingeInstructions Sous LE Couvercle Nettoie en profondeur les articles Au Canada Assistance OU ServiceAuxÉtats-Unis Garantie Limitée À VIE Panier EN Acier Inoxydable Garantie DE LA Laveuse WhirlpoolGarantie Complète DE UN AN Whirlpool Corporation ne paiera pas pour3955179C