Whirlpool GVW9959KL0 manual Cycle, Options

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Select the cycle according to the fabric


type being washed.


Press START, if the OPTIONS are at the


desired settings.




For extra whitening and brightening (with


1 cup [250 mL] of liquid chlorine bleach).


Deep cleans white items such as


underwear, sheets and socks.




For sturdy fabrics and heavy soil.


Deep cleans ground-in dirt on work clothes


and play wear.




For mixed loads and average soil.


Cleans a variety of items including linens


and everyday wear.




For dark colored cotton items that may run


or fade.


Reduces fading of dark colored items such


as denim jeans and casual cottons. (To


minimize fading, turn garment inside out


before laundering.)




For thoroughly washing large, bulky items.


Cleans big items such as comforters,


pillows and rugs.




For quickly cleaning a few lightly soiled




Cleans and refreshes your favorite item of


clothing in a hurry.




For fabric blends and all garments


indicating “gentle” cycle on the care label.


Keeps colored items such as golf shirts,


cottons sweaters and wrinkle-resistant


clothes looking new and uses a slower spin


to prevent wrinkles from setting.




For many washable items normally dry




Gently cleans items such as wool sweaters


and silk blouses.




For garments indicating “hand wash” on


the care label.


Gently cleans fine washables such as


lingerie and sweaters.




Rinses the load without washing.






Fine tunes wash time for different levels









of dirty clothes.




















Provides best care and cleaning on









Assured Water Temp selections.




















Loosens soils when added to any cycle.




















Adds an additional rinse to any cycle.




















Extracts more water from heavy items.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Image 19
Contents 3955179C With Calypso Wash MotionÍndice Table of ContentsTable DES Matières Your safety and the safety of others are very important Washer SafetyAlternate Parts You May Need Installation RequirementsToolsandParts LocationRequirementsElectrical Requirements DrainSystemConnectDrainHose Install LevelingFeetInstall the front leveling feet Install the rear self-adjusting feetConnectInletHoses SecureDrainHose CompleteInstallationLevel Washer Calypso WashMotion Features and BenefitsStartingYourWasher Washer USEChangingCycles andOptions PausingorRestartingCycles WhatHappensin aWash Cycle Options Loading Laundry TipsVacation,Storage,andMovingCare CleaningYour WasherWasher Care WaterInletHosesWasher won’t drain or spin TroubleshootingWasher won’t fill, rinse or wash Washer stopsWasher leaks Washer continues to fill or drain, or the cycle seems stuckWasher basket is crooked Washer makes noiseLID Instructions Options CycleInCanada Assistance or ServiceTheU.S.A Lifetime Limited Warranty Stainless Steel Basket Whirlpool Washer WarrantyONE-YEAR Full Warranty Second Through Tenth Year Limited Warranty on Outer TUBSu seguridad y la seguridad de los demás es muy importante Seguridad DE LA LavadoraPartes incluidas Requisitos DE InstalaciónHerramientasypartes Partes alternativasSistema de desagüe en un lavadero ilustración a Requisitos deubicaciónSistemadedesagüe Instalación en un lugar empotrado o en un clósetSistema de desagüe en el piso ilustración B RequisitoseléctricosPara una lavadora conectada a tierra con cable eléctrico Cómo instalar las patas traseras auto ajustables Instrucciones DE InstalaciónCómoinstalarlas patasniveladoras Cómo conectarlamangueradedesagüeCómoconectarlasmanguerasdeentrada Cómo nivelarlalavadora Cómoasegurarla mangueradedesagüeCompletelainstalación MovimientodelavadoCALYPSO Características Y BeneficiosPuestaen marchadesulavadora USO DE LA LavadoraCambiodeciclosyopciones Cómodetener ovolveraponerenmarchaCiclos Loqueocurreenunciclo delavado Opciones Luces indicadoras Señal ajustable de ciclo Adjustable Cycle SignalTemperatura asegurada del agua Assured Water Temp Nivel de Suciedad Soil LevelLimpiezadesulavadora CómocargarMangueras deentradadeagua Solución DE ProblemasDemudanza La lavadora hace ruido La lavadora no llena, no enjuaga ni lavaLa lavadora se detiene La lavadora no escurre ni exprimeCarga demasiado mojada La lavadora pierde aguaLa canasta de la lavadora está torcida Depósitos obstruidos o goteanInstrucciones DE LA Tapa Opciones CicloEnlosEE.UU Ayuda O Servicio TécnicoEn Canadá Garantía Total DE UN AÑO Garantía DE LA Lavadora WhirlpoolVotre sécurité et celle des autres est très importante Sécurité DE LA LaveuseAutres pièces qui peuvent être nécessaires Exigences D’INSTALLATIONExigencesdel’emplacementd’installation OutillageetpiècesÉvier de buanderie illustration a SystèmedevidangeDrain de plancher illustration B Pour une laveuse raccordée en permanence SpécificationsélectriquesRaccordementdutuyaudevidange Instructions D’INSTALLATIONInstallationdespiedsdenivellement Installation des pieds arrière autoréglablesPurger les canalisations d’eau Raccordementdes tuyauxd’arrivéed’eauDrain de plancher Raccordement des tuyaux d’arrivée d’eau aux robinetsImmobilisationdutuyau devidange Acheverl’installationRéglagedel’aplombdelalaveuse MouvementdelavageCALYPSO Caractéristiques ET AvantagesMiseenmarchedelalaveuse Utilisation DE LA LaveusePauseouremiseenmarche Changementdes programmes EtoptionsProgrammes Delicate Casual Délicat Tout-aller Jeans/Darks Jeans/foncésBulky Items Articles encombrants Quick Wash Lavage rapideLavage Soil Level Niveau de saleté Signal de programme réglableGuide de température Assured Water Temp Température d’eau garantieNettoyagedelalaveuse ChargementTuyauxflexibles d’alimentation Dela laveuse Dépannage La laveuse fait du bruit Absence de remplissage, rinçage ou de lavageLa laveuse s’arrête Défaillance de vidange/essorage de la laveuseRésidu ou charpie sur le linge Position incorrecte du panier de la laveuseObstruction ou fuite des distributeurs Charge trop mouilléeInstructions Sous LE Couvercle Nettoie en profondeur les articles AuxÉtats-Unis Assistance OU ServiceAu Canada Whirlpool Corporation ne paiera pas pour Garantie DE LA Laveuse WhirlpoolGarantie Complète DE UN AN Garantie Limitée À VIE Panier EN Acier Inoxydable3955179C