Chapter 3
Program Mode is a special mode that is available to electronic telephones to program Autodial numbers and Preregistered Call Forward. To access Program Mode, each telephone must have an assigned Program Mode access key. To program Autodial numbers and Preregistered Call Forward, a telephone must also have designated Autodial and Preregistered Call Forward access keys. The specific steps required to program features that involve Program Mode are noted in this user guide under each feature’s operational listing (see Feature Operation).
Program Mode is entered by pressing the designated Program Mode (PRGM) access key on an idle telephone. The PRGM key’s LED will light solid red to indicate that the mode has been activated. Once activated at a telephone, Program Mode will remain active until it is exited manually by pressing the PRGM key. When Program Mode is exited, its corresponding LED will go out.
When Program Mode is entered, the telephone dialpad, line keys, and flexible feature keys will be under Program Mode control. Once Program Mode is activated, an Autodial or Preregistered Call Forward key can be pressed to begin one of the two programming sequences. Destination numbers for either feature can be registered by entering digits individually via the dialpad.
Once a programming sequence has been entered, Program Mode can be exited by pressing the PRGM key. Pressing this key prior to the completion of a programming sequence will void all entered data. Any data previously entered through a completed programming sequence will remain valid.