To return to your first call and drop your second call, press the Release (RLS) key.
1.If you hang up your current call while you have another call on “soft hold,” the held call will immediately recall your telephone.
2.You cannot hold code calls, paging calls, dictation machine calls, or calls from an attendant.
3.You will not receive a Call Waiting signal if you are currently on hold at another station; performing a call transfer; connected to an attendant, dictation machine, or voice mail system; involved in an Attendant Override; or involved in a conference. You will also not receive a Call Waiting signal if your station is programmed for Data Security or Data Privacy. This prevents the interference of tones or attendant override during data transmission.
4.You cannot form a
To Transfer a Waiting Call:
1.Establish a
2.After hearing the Call Waiting tone, press the SWAP key.
. . . or . . .
Press the CONF/TRNS key and enter the Swap access code.
3.Press the CONF/TRNS key and dial the number of the station that is to receive the new call.
4.Hang up; or wait until the party answers, announce the transferred call, and then hang up.
The Call Waiting Transfer feature allows you to place a current call on “soft hold” to answer a waiting call, and then transfer the new call to another station.
Your current call will be placed on “soft hold” and you will be connected to the new caller.
Listen for ringback tone.
Your original call will recall your station.