Chapter 4
Forced Account Code Entry for Outgoing Calls:
1.Dial the desired number.
2.Enter the desired account code.
Optional Account Code Entry
During a Call (via Feature
Access Key):
1.Establish a call (either outgoing or incoming).
2.Press the Account Code (ACCT) access key.
3.Enter the desired account code.
Account codes provide a method of categorizing incoming and outgoing calls on the PERCEPTION 4000 system’s Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) report. Categories can designate specific individuals or companies so that calls can be easily billed. Your telephone may be required to enter an account code either for all outgoing calls or for all outgoing toll calls (Forced Account Code entry). If your telephone requires account code entry, your call will not be completed until an account code is entered. If your telephone does not require account code entry, codes can be entered voluntarily during incoming or outgoing calls (Optional Account Code entry). All account codes are assigned in system software and may be up to 15 digits in length.
Recall dial tone will indicate that account code entry is required.
Listen for success tone. The call will be processed as a normal call.
If the system does not accept the entered account code, you will hear reorder tone.
If all outgoing trunks are busy, or if the dialed party is busy, the call can be
The ACCT key LED will flash green. If using a display telephone, the display will indicate “ENTER ACCOUNT CODE.”
After the