Brother PX-200 Thread Tension, Upper tension is too loose, Lower tension is too loose, Bobbin

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Thread Tension

Thread tension will affect the quality of your stitches. It may need to be adjusted when you change fabric or thread type.


It is recommended that a test sample be made on a fabric scrap before sewing on your project.

The basic thread tension setting is “5”.

Possible Problems and How To Correct Them

AUpper tension is too tight.

Locks appear on the surface of the fabric.

A-1 Upper tension control dial

Decrease the tension by turning the dial to a lower number.

BUpper tension is too loose.

Locks appear on the reverse side of the fabric.

B-1 Upper tension control dial

Increase the tension by turning the dial to a higher number.


2 Surface







The lower thread tension has already been adjusted at the factory for general use. For most sewing applications, no adjustment is needed. When sewing with thin thread on thin fabrics, the thread tension can- not be adjusted adequately with the upper tension control dial. There- fore, the thread tension must be adjusted according to the procedure described below.

CLower tension is too loose.

Locks appear on the surface of the fabric.

Decrease the thread tension by turning the dial to a lower number. If the result is still not satisfactory, then adjust the bobbin thread tension as explained in C-1.

C-1 Bobbin

Increase the tension in the bobbin by turning the screw with a small screwdriver in a clockwise direction. However, do not turn the screw more than one full turn.

Remember to return the screw to its original setting before start- ing your next project.

DCorrect tension

Correct tension is important since too much or too little tension will weaken your seams or cause puckers in your fabric.


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Contents English Español Important Safety Instructions Conserve Este Manual DE Instrucciones Importanti Istruzioni DI Sicurezza Connecting Plugs and Main Power / Sewing Light Switch Contents Conozca SU Máquina DE Coser Índice DEL ContenidoConoscere LA Macchina DA Cucire SommarioMain power/sewing light switch Bobbin winding assemblySpool pin Stitch length dialParti Principali Elementos PrincipalesAccesorios AccessoriXL5100/PX100 Funcionamiento DE LA Máquina DE Coser Connecting PlugsFunzionamento Della Macchina DA Cucire Conexión de los enchufesInterruptor principal y de luz Main Power and Sewing Light SwitchesFoot Controller PedalInserción de la aguja Inserting the NeedleChecking the Needle Comprobación de la agujaChanging the Presser Foot Cambio del prensatelasSostituzione del piedino premistoffa Modelo a presiónConversión en modalidad de brazo Libre Converting to Free-Arm StylePara estabilizar la máquina Steadying the Machine Cucitura a braccio liberoDispositivi DI Controllo Distintos MandosSelector de puntadas Pattern Selection DialRecommended Widths and Lengths for Stitches XL5200/PX200 B-C-D XL5300/PX300 Anchos Y Largos DE Puntadas RecomendadosXL5200/PX200 1A-B-C-D XL5300/PX300 Ampiezze E Lunghezze DEI Punti ConsigliateXL5200/PX200 XL5100/PL100 Selettore della lunghezza del punto Stitch Length DialSelector de largo de puntada Puntada elástica Stretch StitchingCucitura con punti elastici Selección de la puntada elásticaSelettore dell’ampiezza del punto Stitch Width DialSelector del ancho de puntada Leva di cucitura di ritorno Palanca de retrocesoEnhebrado DE LA Máquina Procedure DI InfilaturaWinding the Bobbin Bobinado de la canillaInfilatura inferiore Lower ThreadingEnhebrado inferior Upper Needle Threading Infilatura superiore ago Enhebrado superior de la agujaNeedle threader Using the Needle ThreaderWhen the machine is equipped with a Enhebrador Palanca del enhebrador Sistema di infilatura rapido Is equipped with a quick thread-settingRaccolta del filo inferiore Drawing Up Lower ThreadPara sacar el hilo de la canilla Cucitura con ago gemello Twin-Needle SewingCostura con aguja doble Upper tension is too loose Thread TensionLower tension is too loose BobbinRegolazione della tensione del filo Tensión de los hilosTabla DE Combinaciones Entre TEJIDOS, Agujas Y Hilos Chart of Sewing FABRICS, Needles and Thread CombinationsFilo Tabella Delle Combinazioni DI TESSUTO, AGO E FiloPuntadas rectas Straight StitchingPunto diritto Para empezar a coserPara terminar las costuras fig. B Cambio de sentido de costura fig. aChanging Sewing Directions fig. a Finishing Sewing fig. BTopstitching and Stretch Materials Removing the Material From the MachinePara retirar el tejido de la máquina Puntadas en derecho y tejidos elásticosPunto zigzag Zigzag StitchingPuntadas zigzag Orli a punto invisibile Puntadas invisiblesBlindhem Stitching Punto orlo conchiglia Puntada alforza derefuerzoShell Tuck Stitching Remiendos Punto elasticoInserción de gomas elásticas Puntada de uniónPuntada festón Scallop StitchingUniversal Stitching Puntada universalRifinitura a sopraggitto Puntada por encima de la orillaOveredge Stitching Punto a piuma Puntada plumaFeather Stitching Puntada triple zigzag elástica Triple Zigzag Stretch StitchingDecorative Stitching Puntada decorativaMaking a Buttonhole on Stretch Fabrics fig. E Making a ButtonholeMaking a Buttonhole Esecuzione di asole Solo mod. XL5300, XL5200, PX300 e PX200 Para coser ojales Solo XL5300, XL5200, PX300 y PX200Cosido de ojales en tejidos elásticos fig. E Esecuzione di un’asola su tessuti elastici fig. EEsecuzione di asole Solo mod. XL5100 e PX100 Making a Buttonhole XL5100 and PX100 onlyPara coser ojales Solo XL5100 y PX100 Como Coser Step Sewn Portion Pattern How to SewPasos Parte Cosida Securing the Stitching and Cutting the Buttonhole Fase Lato cucito Punto Come cucirePara Completar las Puntadas y Cortar el Ojal Fissaggio della cucitura e apertura dell’asolaButtonhole Fine Adjustment Regolazione della densità dei punti Dell’asola Ajuste fino de los ojalesButton Sewing Cucitura di bottoni Costura de botonesGathering Zipper InsertingFruncido Inserción de cremallerasApplicazione di cerniere ArricciatureRammendo ZurcidoDarning Applicazioni AplicacionesAppliques Monogramas y bordados Monogramming and EmbroideringMonogrammi e ricami Preparación para monogramas y bordadosBordado MonogramasMonogramming EmbroideringSostituzione della lampadina Changing the BulbCambio de la bombilla Lubrificazione EngrasadoOiling Pulizia CleaningLimpieza Upper Thread Lower Thread Skipped Loop in Seam Fabric Performance ChecklistFabric does Póngase EN Contacto CON EL Servicio Técnico Local Listado de posibles incidenciasEL Tejido no Arrastra Bien Rompe Tabella di controllo del funzionamentoLA Macchina Rumorosa O Lenta Importante ImportanteRepacking the Machine Embalaje de la máquinaBobbin Threading Winding Bridging Stitch Buttonhole Sewing Aguja Tabella Delle Combinazioni DI Tessuto