eThe Do you want to continue with the above settings? [n/y]:
prompt appears.
Enter y to continue. The script executes.
5Enter the following command to exit the cworks account and return to
the root account:
6Obtain a copy of the vcx-dataserver-7.1.xc.tar software upgrade file
and place it in the /opt/installtemp directory on the Authentication
and Directory server. The variable x indicates the version of VCX software
(for example, vcx-all-7.0.3c.tar) that will replace the current version.
The letter c is always appended to the version number.
7Enter these commands:
cd /opt/installtemp
tar xvf vcx-dataserver-7.1.xc.tar
cd upgrade-7.1.x
The system may prompt you to confirm that a new operating system
version will be installed and indicates which disk partition will be used
after the upgrade. If you see such a prompt, answer y.
The system displays several status messages. The last two messages are:
------------------- Installation Completed Successfully -------------------
------------------- VCX version 7.1.xc is now available -------------------
8Change to the new software version by entering this command:
vcx-switchversion 7.1.xc
The system displays several status messages and provides prompts that
allow you enable UPS Monitoring.
9The UPS Monitoring prompt appears:
An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) can be used with VCX
systems to avoid disruption due to a power outage. VCX
provides a UPS monitoring service which tracks the UPS's
status and performs a safe shutdown when the its battery is
depleted during a long power outage. To use this feature,
you must have a compatible UPS installed and configured in
accordance with the VCX documentation.
Enable UPS monitoring? [N] :