QoS Monitoring Statistics 41
cdr<Year Month Date Hour Minutes ThreeExtraNumbers>_c.xml
A CDR looks similar to this:
20:32:22</e6><e8>20050411 20:32:22</e8><f0>20050411
Viewing Super CDRs Super CDRs are stored on the Call Records service.
To view a Super CDR:
1Log on to the VCX server hosting the Call Records service as cworks.
2The Super CDRs are kept in the /opt/3com/VCX/bssxml/data/<Group
Name>/outbox directory.
The newest Super CDR is listed last and looks similar to the following:
The file naming convention uses this format:
<Year Month Date Hour Minutes ThreeExtraNumbers>.xml
A Super CDR looks similar to this:
</b9><e5>1</e5><e6>20050414 19:54:07</e6><f0>20050414
QoS Monitoring Statistics
A call processor can also generate Quality of Service (QoS) statistics.
You can enable the collection of QoS statistics on a call processor to
objectively monitor voice quality in your VCX system.You can also use
QoS statistics to determine the effect of configuration changes and to
identify faulty end points or routes.
You can enable collection of QoS statistics and view the collected
statistics through the 3Com Enterprise Management Suite (EMS), version
2.3. QoS statistics also generate QDRs (Quality of Service Detail Records)