the high accuracy of the model the tracking is within 0.05dB of


peak signal tracking.



In Tracking Mode the INTRAC continuously updates the model


by making small perturbations of the antenna and incorporating


the resultant data into the model. During periods when the


satellite’s orbit is changing because of station keeping


manoeuvres the INTRAC may increase the frequency of the





If the beacon receiver stops providing a useful signal* the


INTRAC will enter “Predicting” sub mode. In this mode the


INTRAC will continue to point the antenna according to the


model but will not update the model. Once “Tracking Mode”


has been achieved “predicting” can continue for 72hrs. If the


beacon receiver returns to providing a useful signal* within this


period the INTRAC returns to updating the model. If, after


72hrs, the beacon is still not producing a useful signal* the


model is deemed to have expired. If this occurs the INTRAC


can fall back on the “Reserve Model” which is a Program Track


using either IESS-412 or NORAD data. (see Reserve Model -


page 48)


* useful signal

A useful signal is defined as one that varies sensibly during


antenna movements, is neither over or under range and the


beacon receiver is in lock.



Manual Mode allows the operator to drive the antenna using


the Manual Control keys on the INTRAC front panel. It is


normally only used for small movements of the antenna such


as peaking when the position of the satellite is known with


close accuracy.



For larger antenna movements one of the Goto modes is faster


and where the satellite’s position is only roughly known search


is employed to peak the antenna.



There are two Manual Modes. Manual (P) Mode is manual


control from the front panel. Manual (A) Mode is manual


control from the Remote Terminal. (see section 9). The


antenna can be driven through North (Azimuth 0°), in the


Northern Hemisphere, or South (Az 180°), in the Southern


Hemisphere, only in Manual (P) Mode.



There are three Goto sub modes. Goto Position and Goto


Satellite provide a convenient method of driving the antenna to


a specific position. Search mode is the automatic scanning of


an area of sky for a satellite.


Goto Position

In this mode the operator enters the co-ordinates and beacon


frequency of the required satellite and presses the enter key.


The entered co-ordinates are checked for validity (i.e. are they

© 2011 Advantech Wireless

INTRAC-305 MANUAL - Issue 3.2

Page 57

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Image 69
Advantech INTRAC-305 user manual High accuracy of the model the tracking is within 0.05dB