Watchdog Timer
The purpose of a watchdog timer function is to restart the system should some mishap occur. Possible problems include: a failure to boot properly; the application software losing control; temporary power supply problems including spikes, surges, or interference; the failure of an interface device; unexpected conditions on the bus; or other hardware or software malfunctions. The watchdog timer helps assure proper
The Little Board/P5x
!There is an initial watchdog timer setting, specified using SETUP, which determines whether the watchdog timer will be used to monitor the system boot, and if so, how long the
!There is a standard
The initial
The following simple assembly language routine illustrates how to control the watchdog timer using the Ampro
; Watchdog timer control program
| ||
MOV | AH,0C3h | ; Watchdog Timer BIOS function |
MOV | AL,nn | ; Use “00” to disable, “01” to enable |
| ; timer. |
MOV | BX,mm | ; Selects time, in seconds |
| |
INT | 15h |
Ampro provides a simple DOS program that can be used from the command line or in a batch program to manage the watchdog timer. It is called WATCHDOG, and is described in the Ampro Common Utilities manual.