Disassembly should only be carried out by a | Disconnect the air hoses from the air supply |
qualified technician. | and wait for the needle on the pressure gauge |
Turn off the power switch before disassembly, | to drop to “0” before disassembly of any parts |
otherwise the machine may operate if the foot | which use the pneumatic equipment. |
switch is depressed by mistake, which could | Use only the proper replacement parts as |
result in injury. | specified by Brother. |
Be sure to wear protective goggles and gloves | If any safety devices have been removed, be |
when handling the lubricating oil and grease, | absolutely sure to |
so that they do not get into your eyes or onto | original positions and check that they operate |
your skin, otherwise inflammation can result. | correctly before using the machine. |
Furthermore, do not drink the oil or eat the | Any problems in machine operation which |
grease under any circumstances, as they can | result from unauthorized modifications to the |
cause vomiting and diarrhea. | machine will not be covered by the warranty. |
Keep the oil out of the reach of children. |
Disassemble each part in order of the numbers. |
3269Q | |
1. Top cover
2. Belt cover
3. Frame side cover
4. Bed cover, LF
5. Bed cover, LR
6. Bed cover, R
7. Eye guard assy
8. Face plate assy
9. Shuttle race cover assy
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