Introduction to Using Fax Functions


DRPD (Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection) service assigns two or more telephone numbers with distinctive ring patterns to a single telephone line, allowing you to have both a fax number(s) and a telephone number(s) using only one telephone line. Your fax will automatically monitor incoming calls and based on the ring pattern, will let you know if the call is a fax or voice call. Set the fax ring pattern that matches the pattern assigned by your telephone company. Contact your telephone company for availability.

Before using this mode Make sure to do the following:

– Subscribe to a DRPD service. Contact your telephone company for availability.

– Connect your external telephone to the machine. (See “Make Fax Settings,” in the Starter Guide.)

– Set the receive mode to <DRPD>. (See “Selecting the Receive Mode,” on p. 6-10.)

(D1180/D1170/D1150) Fax
