
Introduction to Using Scanner Functions

Introduction to Using Scanner Functions

This section describes what you must do before using the scanner functions. Make sure to set the following items first:

Scanning Documents to a Computer

The necessary settings for sending scanned documents to a file server are shown below.

Basic Network Settings

Connecting a Network Cable

Connect the machine to the network environment.

Setting the IP Address

Make sure that the correct IP address is set.

Scan to File Server Settings

Con￿rming Necessary Information

Check the computer name and necessary components for ￿le sharing.

Setting up a File Server

Set up a shared folder in which to store documents.

Setting up the Machine*

Set up the machine to use the Scan to File Server function.

Specifying Destinations

Register addresses, user names, and passwords in the one-touch keys or coded dial codes.

Basic Method for Scanning Documents to a File Server

Sending Documents to the File Server

Try to send scanned documents to the shared folder.

*You can set up the Scan to File Server function easily by using the Send Function Setting Tool. (See “Use Send Function Setting Tool,” in the e-Manual.)
