<Print first page only?>

Selects pages to be printed.


<Yes> prints only the first page of the document.


<No> prints all the pages of the document.

zDelete specified doc.

Deletes the specified document stored in the machine’s memory.

„Print report/list

zActivity report

Shows recent fax transactions performed by the machine.

z Telephone number list

One-touch speed dial

Lists the numbers and names registered for one-touch speed



Coded speed dial

Lists the numbers and names registered for coded dial speed



<Print in order of name?>

Sets the sorting order of the list. Select <Yes> to print the list


with the destination names in alphabetical order. Select <No>


to print the list with the registered entries in numerical order.

Group dial

Lists groups registered for group dialing.

zUser's data list

Lists the current settings of the machine and the registered sender information.

zMemory list

Lists the documents currently stored in the machine’s memory.

„TEL number registration

zOne-touch speed dial

Registers a fax/telephone number for one-touch speed dialing.

zCoded speed dial

Registers a fax/telephone number for coded speed dialing.

zGroup dial

Registers a group of fax/telephone numbers for group dialing.


Registers a one-touch or coded speed dialing number.


Registers the fax/telephone number of the recipient.

„User settings

zDate/time setting

Sets the current date and time.

Chapter 9

Changing the Machine Settings