Click OK. The Extron Matrix Switchers Control Program window appears, displaying the current configuration of the attached matrix (see figure 34 and figure 35 on the next page). Proceed to step 4.
If you selected IP [LAN], click OK and proceed to step 3.
• If you selected Emulate, click OK and see Using Emulation Mode on page 89.
3.If you selected IP [LAN] in step 2, the IP Connection dialog box appears (see figure 33).
Figure 33. Address and Password Entry
a.Examine the Matrix IP Address field in the IP Connection window. The field displays the last Matrix IP address entered.
If the IP address is correct: Proceed to step 3b.
If the address is not correct: Either click in the Matrix IP Address field and
enter the IP address or click on the scroll down button () and select from among the recently used addresses. Proceed to step 3b.
NOTE: If the local system administrators have not changed the value, the
b.If the switcher is password protected, click in the Password field and enter the appropriate administrator or user password.
c.Click Connect. The Extron Matrix Switchers Control Program window appears, displaying the current configuration of the attached matrix (see figure 34 and figure 35 on the next page). Proceed to step 4.
•If you logged on using the administrator password or if no password was required, the program connects you to the matrix switcher with all of the administrator rights and privileges.
•If you logged on using the user password, the program connects you to the matrix switcher with only user capabilities.
•If an incorrect password was entered, the program beeps and returns to the password entry display.
4.Operate the switcher as desired.
• To create a tie, drag an input box to one or more output boxes. To remove a tie, drag the output box to its tied input box or to the trash can.
• To make the control program easier to use, assign a device icon to each input and output. Click on a box that represents an input or output, and drag the desired icon onto the box from the icon palette that appears.
• For quick display of information on a specific input or output device, position the cursor over that device in the control program window. The program opens a window that details the connection to that device (see the inset box in figure 35).
TIP: You can print a map of the current configuration by clicking File > Print Tie Map.
FOX Matrix 3200 and 7200 Switchers • Matrix Software 74