•Control Buttons: The Display pane includes CamExpert control buttons. These are:
Acquisition control button:
Click once to start live grab, click again to stop.
Single frame grab:
Click to acquire one frame from device.
Software trigger button:
With the I/O control parameters set to Trigger Enabled / Software Trigger type, click to send a single software trigger command.
CamExpert display controls:
(these do not modify the frame buffer data)
Stretch image to fit, set image display to original size, or zoom the image to any size and ratio.
Histogram / Profile tool:
Select to view a histogram or line/column profile during live acquisition.
•Camera pane: Allows selecting any camera file that is included with the Sapera installation. Only camera files supported by the selected acquisition device. When there is more then one acquisition server, such as monochrome and RGB, selecting an inappropriate camera file will produce a message prompting you to select the correct acquisition server.
•Output pane: Displays messages from CamExpert or the device driver.
•Video Status bar: Located on the lower right of the CamExpert window, color coded camera signal status information is displayed. Green for valid signals detected, red for missing or incorrect signals. Video status items may differ with different devices.
Most of these panes can be hidden via the menu bar view command. Typically after selecting an acquisition device and loading a camera file, the Device and Camera windows can be closed.
CamExpert LUT Controls
The Lookup Table dialog allows you to configure the LUT if it is available on the device. Genie monochrome cameras support an
To select the type of LUT to use, click the LUT Mode Value field; a
Genie Monochrome | Sapera CamExpert Guide • 87 |