Managing HyperFabric
Verifying Communications within the Fabric
NOTE | Also see the clic_diag command to: |
Probe a specific remote node.
Dump and format trace data.
Set the tracing level for the HyperFabric software and firmware.
The clic_diag command is detailed in the section, “Running
Diagnostics” on page 133.
Examples of clic_probe
Some examples of using clic_probe are shown below.
•Example 1
If the local node is bently6 and you want to send five packets to verify that the adapter clic0 (which is on bently6) is able to handle traffic, issue this command:
clic_probe -l -c clic0 -p 5
The generated output could look like this:
CLIC_PROBE: 256 byte packets
Local Loopback: Source and Target Adapter ID: bently6.corp 3.com:clic0
256 bytes: seq_num = 1. Packet Acknowledged.
256 bytes: seq_num = 2. Packet Acknowledged.
256 bytes: seq_num = 3. Packet Acknowledged.
256 bytes: seq_num = 4. Packet Acknowledged.
256 bytes: seq_num = 5. Packet Acknowledged.
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss.
•Example 2
If the local node is bently6, and you want to verify communications with the remote node bently4, issue this command:
clic_probe bently4
114 | Chapter 5 |