adapters deconfiguring, 83, 103 faulty, testing for, 153 installing, 44
LED colors and meanings, 143, 145 OLA of, 48
OLR of, 49
regulatory specifications, 162 replacing, 156
cables, testing for faulty, 153 CLIC, definition of, 8, 52 clic_diag command, 114, 136 clic_init command, 79
after OLA, 48 clic_probe command, 112
to remote node, 137 clic_shutdown command, 128 clic_start command, 110
after OLA, 48 clic_stat command, 117 CLuster InterConnect. See CLIC commands
clic_diag, 114, 136 clic_init, 79
after OLA, 48 clic_probe, 112
to remote node, 137 clic_shutdown, 128 clic_start, 110
after OLA, 48 clic_stat, 117 viewing man pages, 127
communications within fabric, verifying, 112 concepts, 7
configuration clic_init command, 79
after OLA, 48 global file
contents of, 69 creating, 78
HA, description of, 7 information
example of, 74, 104 needed for, 71
overview of, 69
typical, description of, 7
using SAM, 81, 102
Configuring HMP for Transparent Local Failover support, 96
deconfiguring an adapter, 83, 103 definitions
fabric, 7 HA, 7 management process, 7
diagnostics, running, 136 displaying
statistics, 117 status, 117
communications within, verifying, 112 current map of, 117, 119
definition of, 7 planning, 11
global configuration contents of, 69 creating, 78
software description of, 52 structure of, 51
configuration, description of, 7 definition of, 7
ServiceGuard and HyperFabric, 87 hardware regulatory specifications, 162 High Availability. See HA
installation adapters, 44 prerequisites for, 43 software, 51
steps for, 55 switch
HF2, 59
steps for HF2, no rail kit, 65 steps for HF2, rail kit, 61