The following lists the components of the operator panel:
1.Unit Emergency Switch
vWith the unit emergency power off (EPO) switch in the up position, it is turned “on” and the AC power is applied to the entire subsystem.
vWith the EPO switch in the down position, it is turned “off” and all power is removed from the subsystem.
2.System Power Switch
vIn the upward position, a power on sequence will initiate.
vIn the downward position, a power off sequence will initiate.
3.Power On LED
vThe green LED, labeled “Power On”, has three functions:
When off, power is removed from the 3590 drives and controller.
When on, power is applied to the drives and controller. If the Controller Status LED is off, the unit is ready for use.
As power is applied or removed, and the unit is not ready for use, the LED will flash.
4.Controller Status LED
vThe yellow LED, labeled “Controller Status”, has the following functions:
The controller detects no fault.
The controller detects an, as of yet, uncorrected fault.
If a potential fault is detected in the controller, the LED will flash while waiting for the controller to correct the fault. If, after a set period of time, the controller does not verify the error, the LED indicator will remain on in a continuous state. On means that the LED is not flashing.
Note: There are two Controller Status LEDs on a 3590 A50 or dual controller configuration. The