v“Cell Status: Steady Green–In-Use Indicator LED” on page 66.
Cell Status: Flashing Yellow–Attention indicator LED
The device requires operator assistance. Table 26 describes the Attention condition. There will be a corresponding operator panel ATTN ACF message in the case where the LEDs indicate attention.
Table 26. Cell Status Indicator LEDs Flashing
Indicator LED State | Description of the Condition |
All 11 LEDs | Further activity is stopped. Requires operator |
and the priority cell LED | attention such as installing the magazine, locking or |
flashing yellow (Accumulate, | unlocking the magazine, clearing a cartridge jam, |
Automatic, Manual, and | and so on. Once the condition is cleared the LEDs |
System modes) or all 10 | return to normal after Start is selected. Typical |
magazine LEDs are flashing | supplemental messages to ATTN ACF include extra |
yellow (Random mode). | cartridge, picker error, and export error. |