current navigation mode, is equal to “studenthome.” If it is, the jsp:include tag within the logic:match tag is executed.

<bean:define id="navKey"



<logic:match name="navKey" value="studenthome" location="start"> <td width="190" valign="top">

<jsp:include page="studentHomeNavigation.jsp" flush="true"/>




This table cell controls the margin between the student navigation and the content




<td width="3"><lms:spacer width="3" height="1" /></td> </logic:match>

Otherwise, the next table row included in the page contains the adminTask.jsp. This table row is followed by some empty rows to add space between frames.


<td class="formBoxTitleBg" colspan="3" valign="middle" nowrap>

<jsp:include page="adminTask.jsp" flush="true"/>



The next table row checks again to make sure the current navigation mode is not studenthome. If it is not, it then checks to make sure the current navigation mode is not invalidForm. If it is not, it includes the adminLocation.jsp.

<tr><td class="formBoxBg" width="15"><lms:spacer width="15" height="1" /></td>

<td class="formBoxBg">

<logic:notMatch name="navKey" value="studenthome" location="start">

<logic:notPresent name="invalidForm">

<jsp:include page="adminLocation.jsp" flush="true"/>



The final section of code includes the adminContentPage.jsp:

<div class="formBoxPositionInner">

<jsp:include page="adminContentPage.jsp" flush="true"/>



26 IBM Lotus Learning Management System Release 1 Customization Guide

Page 31
Image 31
IBM R1 manual Td class=formBoxTitleBg colspan=3 valign=middle nowrap, LogicnotPresent LogicnotMatch, Div