Note: You can replace a Help file with one in another directory by specifying the appropriate relative path and file name. For example, you might change the helpPage parameter in preferences.jsp to

<jsp:param name="helpPage" value="courseadmin/ch_mypreferences.html"/>

or, assuming that you had created and populated a myhelp directory at the same level as the student and course administrator Help directories, you might change the <helpPage> tag in the student home entry in Navigation.xml to

<helpPage>/myhelp/welcome.html</helpPage> or the like.

Adding your own Help topic

You can add your own Help topics to the system and create Index entries and links in the Table of Contents for them. The following procedure assumes that you want to add a topic to the Student Help system. The procedure for adding a topic to the Administrator Help system is essentially the same, the only significant differences being the prefix to the file namesch_ instead of sh_and the subdirectory in which you store the files.

1.Create a map file like the one described above in “Anatomy of a Help topic”

(sh_preferences.html). For example, you might create a file named sh_my_topic.html to which the corresponding content file will be named sh_my_topic_b.html:



<title>IBM Lotus Learning Management System Student Help</title> </head>

<frameset rows=33,* border=0 frameborder=no framespacing=0>

<frame name=header title="Help Header"

src="sh_help_header_h.html"scrolling=no framespacing=0 frameborder=no border=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 noresize>

<frameset cols=150,* border=0 frameborder=no framespacing=0>

<frame name=navigation title="Help Navigation"

src="sh_help_navigation_l.html" scrolling="auto" framespacing="0" frameborder="No" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize>

<frame name=content title="Help Topic" src="sh_my_topic_b.html" scrolling=auto framespacing=0 frameborder=no border=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 noresize>




2.Create the content file (sh_my_topic_b.html). Since you’ll need to enter Index entries by hand if you want the topic to be available through the Index, you don’t need to include <META> tags:



Chapter 4: Customizing Help 17

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IBM R1 manual Adding your own Help topic