You can ignore or remove the <META> tags at the beginning of the file. These are used in generating the Index. Otherwise, you can edit this file as you would any other standard HTML file.

Editing an existing Help topic

Open the _b.html, edit it, and save your work.

Replacing a context-sensitive Help topic

You can replace a context-sensitive Help topic by linking to a different topic, which can be either another topic in the existing Help system or one that you write yourself. The mechanism for replacing the link varies, depending on whether the associated JSP is a pop-up or not. For a pop- up, edit the jsp:param name “helpPage” attribute in the JSP. For example, if you want to change the link for context-sensitive Help for the Preferences dialog box, change sh_preferences.html to some other HTML file in the directory identified by the relative path student/ in preferences.jsp:







Allows users to modify their preferences




<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/Struts-html.tld"

prefix="html" %>

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/lms.tld"

prefix="lms" %>

<jsp:include page="popupHeader.jsp" flush="true"> <jsp:param name="messageKey" value="toolbar.preferences"/> <jsp:param name="header" value="toolbar.preferences"/>

<jsp:param name="helpPage" value="student/sh_preferences.html"/> </jsp:include>

<lms:form action="/"> <%--

For JSPs that aren’t pop-ups, edit the <helpPage> attribute of the description of the JSP in Navigation.xml. For example, you might replace the context-sensitive help topic for the Student Home page, sh_usinghome.html with some other HTML file in the directory identified by the relative path student/:






<title>navigationTab.studentHome</title> <permissions>Home_Module</permissions>


16 IBM Lotus Learning Management System Release 1 Customization Guide

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Image 21
IBM R1 manual Editing an existing Help topic, Replacing a context-sensitive Help topic, Lmsform action=/ %