Testing the ISDN Line

Testing the ISDN Line

LoopTest tests the board’s ISDN line by establishing two ISDN B channels in a loopback connection. One channel is set up to accept incoming calls, and the other channel calls the first channel. When the connection is established, the calling channel sends data, which is checked when it arrives at the receiving channel. At the end of the test, LoopTest stops the communication. If an error occurs during testing, LoopTest displays a warning and stops the communication at that point.

To check your ISDN line, do the following:

1.Before executing the LoopTest, to avoid incoming call conflicts, disable the RAS Server, as follows:

a.From the Start menu, select Settings, and then Control Panel. Then double-click the Services icon to display the Services dialog box.

b.Select Remote Access Server from the list of services, and click Stop.

A pop-up message informs you that the Virtual Motion RAS Port Manager will also be stopped.

c.Click OK.

d.When the Services dialog box reappears, click Close.

2.From the Start menu, select Programs, then Interphase WAN Adapters, and then Loop Test.


Interphase Corporation