Chapter 1: Introduction

RAS Management Tool

The Virtual MotionRemote Access Manager Suite, by Acotec, is bundled with the software package. The Remote Access Manager Suite includes a set of resource management, access control, and usage accounting tools to help network administrators and Internet Service Providers manage Microsoft Windows NT dial-up RAS servers.

The Remote Access Manager Suite is a client/server application with three components: an administrator program, a RAS port manager program, and a RAS port monitoring program. You can select to install the Remote Access Manager components on a RAS server machine when you install a RAS support driver.

The Remote Access Manager Suite provides the following capabilities:

RAS Login Control prevents multiple users from logging in with the same dial-up account and limits the multi-link RAS connections remote users can establish.

RAS Port Access Control grants specified user groups access to particular communications ports.

Port Session Control sets maximum idle and session connect times for RAS server communications ports.

Port Resource Management limits the connect time allotted to users over a specified time interval.

Static IP Address Port Assignment associates a static IP address with a specific RAS communications port.

RASView provides real-time monitoring of RAS ports and provides alerts for defined RAS server events.

RAS usage accounting, reporting, and event logging functions detail users RAS sessions.

5536 PRI RAS Communications Controller Users Guide