Displaying and Saving Events


If you want to test more than two B channels or more than one port simultaneously, launch several instances of the utility and repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each channel or port. (You can change the number of frames sent if you want a longer test. See Specifying the Number of Frames to Send on page 157.)

5.After you have finished testing the ISDN line, re-enable the RAS Server and the Acotec Virtual Motion RAS Port Manager as follows:

a.From the Start menu, select Settings, and then Control Panel. Then double-click the Services icon to display the Services dialog box.

b.Select Remote Access Server from the list of services, and click Start.

c.Select Virtual Motion RAS Port Manager from the list of services, and click Start.

d.Click Close.

Displaying and Saving Events

The event list is an additional window at the bottom of the LoopTest main dialog that displays communication events, such as communication established between the two B channels, and data being sent on one B channel.


Interphase Corporation