Introduction 1


The Interphase 5536DM RAS communications controller is a single-slot Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) add-on board for PCI-based PCs, servers, and workstations. Two versions of the 5536-DM RAS are available. One provides single-port Primary Rate Interface (PRI) connectivity. The other provides dual-port PRI connectivity. Both versions include 12 digital modems onboard that can be logically connected to 64-Kbps channels on Wide-Area Network (WAN) lines.

On both versions of the board, the number of digital modems can be expanded by adding up to three optional Digital Modem modules (DM modules), each containing six digital modems. Therefore, the board can include up to 30 digital modems.

(Detailed information about the DM modules is included in the Read Me First documentation shipped with the modules.)

The 5536-DM RAS is powered by an IBM PowerPC™ 404CX 32-bit RISC processor at 66 Mhz. The modems use Central Site Modem Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology from Rockwell Semiconductor Systems. This technology provides robust support for data-intensive applications.

The 5536-DM RAS software uses the standard Microsoft® Windows NT® operating system. It leverages the Remote Access Service (RAS) features built into Windows NT server platforms to seamlessly integrate RAS services into existing LANs.

5536 PRI RAS Communications Controller Users Guide