P1. Tempo: tempo setting
Here you can set the tempo, time signature, and rhythm of the currently selected song.
| 1. |
| 2. |
| 3. |
| 4. |
1. | BPM (Beats Per Minute) | [040…240] | ||
| Specifies the tempo. |
2. | Beat | [1/4…8/4, 1/8…8/8] | ||
| Specifies the time signature. |
3. | Rhythm | [Off, 01…50] |
Turns rhythm on/off and specifies the rhythm pattern. Refer to “Rhythm pattern list” (→ p.91).
4. Rhythm (Rhythm Level) | [00…50] |
This sets the volume of the rhythm.
P2. EditSong: Song editing operations
These operations edit or rename a song.
It is not possible to Undo after executing these operations.
P.2-1 NameSong: Change the name of a song
This operation changes the name of the currently selected song. (→ p.24)
P.2-2 CopySong: copy a song
This operation copies the selected song to the specified (destination) song number.
1. DestSong | [1…99] |
Select the copy destination song number. The numbers that can be selected are
2. Copy OK? | [Yes, No] |
If you select “Yes” and press the [CURSOR] right key, the copy will be executed; the song will be copied to the copy destination song number (“DestSong”). If “DestSong” is an existing song number, subsequent songs will be renumbered upward by one.
Undo is not available for this operation.