Appendix A: Command Reference
configitem Stop Bits
Stop Bits may be "1" or "2".
configitem Flow Control
Flow Control may be "None", "Hardware" or "Software".
configitem Xon Char
When specifying Xon Char, prefix decimal with \ or prefix hexadecimal with 0x or prefix a single control character with <control>. These are used when Flow Control is set to Software.
Xon Char may contain one character, where <control>J, for example, counts as one.
configitem Xoff Char
When specifying Xoff Char, prefix decimal with \ or prefix hexadecimal with 0x or prefix a single control character with <control>. These are used when Flow Control is set to Software.
Xoff Char may contain one character, where <control>J, for example, counts as one.
configitem Gap Timer
The driver forwards received serial bytes after the Gap Timer delay from the last character received. By default, the delay is four character periods at the current baud rate (minimum 1 ms).
Gap Timer has units of milliseconds.
Blank the value for "<Four Character Periods>".
configitem Threshold
The driver will forward received characters after Threshold bytes have been received. Threshold has units of bytes.
configgroup Performance
These settings pertain to Performance. Changes take effect immediately.
The device wakes up either on the rising edge of WKUP, if enabled, or after being down Maximum Time Powered Down.
The device powers down after Time Powered Up.
However, if any Application is selected, the application may hold power on longer or wake up sooner.
configitem Application
value Instance
Instance matches the name of a registered application.
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