Solving Other Problems 107

Solving Other Problems

Symptom Cause Solution
Data was
sent to the
printer, but it
doesn’t print.
An error message is
displayed in the message
Handle accordin g to the messag e displayed.
The transfer belt installa-
tion guide is not set cor-
rectly in the ins tal lat ion rail.
Remove the transfer belt. Place the front end of the
intermedi ate trans fer un it insta llatio n guide (2 lo catio ns)
correctly in the installation rail. Next, lightly push in the
unit about 6 inches (152.4 mm). Releas e the top han-
dle. Hold ing the fro nt hand le, care fully p ush the trans fer
belt in.
resets. Occasionally, software
applications interfere with
each other.
Some applications send a printer prep file to the printer
at the beginning of each document. When this occurs,
other prep files cannot be sent without resetting the
printer. Monitor y our ac tiv it ies t o se e i f the re is a correla-
tion between your use of a certain application and the
printer resett ing. If so , contac t the applic ation de velop er.
take s too
much time.
The printer is set to a slow
printing mode (for exam-
ple, for OHP, thick stock, or
some other special kind of
It takes more time to print with special media. When
using regular paper, make sure that the media type is
set properly in the driver.
The printer is set to power
saving mode. It takes a little time for printing to start in power saving
mode. If you do not want to use this mode, disable it.
The printer memory is
insufficient. Add optional memory.