32-bit SuperDriver Setup58



Reverse Page Order

Purpose Sets the number of copies to be print ed.
Choices 1–999
Default 1
Additi onal
Choices See “Collate” in this section.
Purpose Collates m ultiple copi es of documents when sel ected.
Choices Enabled (sel ected)—All pages of the docu me nt are printed before the next
copy is printed.
Disabled— All copies of each page are printed before the next page is
Default Disabled
Notes This option is availabl e only if multipl e copies is selected. See “Copies” i n this
If you are making multiple duplex copies of a job that has an uneven number
of pages, desel ect collation in the appl ication and then select Collate in the
driver on the Paper tab.
Purpose Pri nts pages in reverse orde r when selected.
Choices Enabled (selected)—Pri nts fro m the last page of document to t he fi rst page.
DisabledPri nts from th e fi rst page of the docume nt to the last page.
Default Disabled