32-bit SuperDriver Setup66



First Page Only Button

Purpose Allows you to set the magni fication of your document page as it is pr inted on
the media.
Choices 50%–200%
Default 100
Notes The Scaling option setting is disabled (grayed-out) if N-up page layout is in
effect . To enable the Scaling opt ion, change the N-up setting to Off .
Purpose Allows you to select the type of watermark to be pri nted on the medi a.
Choices (Customizable list)—Se lects the watermar k chosen fr om the list.
Default None
Additi onal
Choices See “Fi rst Page Only,” “In Backg round,” and “Edit W atermark Button” in thi s
Purpose This opt ion setting dete rmines whet her the wat ermark onl y prints on the first
page of the document or on all document pages.
Choices Enabled (selected)—The water m ark prints onl y on the first page of the docu-
Disabled—The watermark prints on all pages of the document.
Default Disabled
Notes Thi s option is unavailable ( grayed- out) unt il a watermark is select ed.