Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit 17
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit
The fuser unit is hot. When the top cover is opened, the fuser unit temperatur e
drops gradually (one hour wait time). Do not replace the fuser oil roller until you
are sure that the fus er un it has cooled down.
When the fuser is worn out, the messageREPL AC E FU SE R UNI T appears, and the
printer does not print. Replace the fuser kit.
The fuser kit includes the two ite ms below. When replaci ng the fuse r unit, replace the
transfer roller as well.
Replacing the Fuser Unit
1Turn off the prin te r.
2Open the printers top cover.
3Rotate t he two fuser oil r oller lock lever s to
relea s e the fus er o il roller.
Fu ser unit Tr ansfer roll er unit